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What’s in your tap water?

When we think of the water we drink and shower in, most of us generally think it’s clean and overall safe to drink and shower in; that’s pretty much the extent of our thoughts. However, there’s actually hundreds of chemicals and a dozen microscopic foreign particles floating around in our water that we’re completely unaware of. Many intelligent scientists are both appalled and repulsed at some of these chemicals and the silent adverse effects they have on our bodies. Here are just a few harmful chemicals and foreign particles contaminating your tap water.

Fluorosilicic acid

Fluorosilicic acid, also known as Hydrofluorosilicic acid, is one of the many hidden chemicals lurking in your water. Fluorosilicic acid is loaded with hazardous and cancerous heavy metals as well as toxins. This chemical comes directly from a Phosphate fertilizer manufacture. Long term exposure to Florosilicic acid can cause chronic bronchitis, nose bleeds, sore throat and negative changes in your bones.

Aluminium Sulphate

Aluminium Sulphate is a potentially dangerous chemical compound found in your water. This chemical can potentially corrode metals when it comes into contact with moisture. If inhaled, Aluminium Sulphate can also cause difficulty breathing. Studies have shown this chemical can cause wheezing and have very unpleasant breathing effects in those who suffer from asthma. In 1988, heavier concentrations were accidentally consumed for several days by a population in Camelford, Cornwall through their water system. The exposure to this concentrated amount of Aluminium Sulphate during this mishap caused sore throats, upset stomach, joint pain, anxiety, backache, skin rashes and some loss of memory.

Calcium Hydroxide

Calcium Hydroxide is a smooth white powdery substance also called Limewater when diluted with water. Calcium Hydroxide is used to soften tap water and is also used in cement, plaster and mortar. This hazardous chemical can severely irritate skin, cause eye damage and difficulty breathing when inhaled.


Lead is a metal common in household plumbing. Homes built before 1986 usually have lead water piping. Exposure through ingesting or inhaling lead can pose serious health risks. When children are exposed to lead it can potentially cause mental and physical delays as well as learning disabilities. Prolonged exposure to lead can cause high blood pressure and kidney problems in adults. Unfortunately, lead chips can easily make their way into your tap water when corroding of lead piping occurs.

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